Brock D. Brewster, Superintendent
Western Local District
7959 State Route 124 Latham, OH 45646
District Office: 740-493-3113
1992 Graduate of Western High School
B.S. Biological Sciences, Ohio University, 1996
M. Ed. Educational Leadership with Principal Licensure (5-12), University of Dayton, 2003
Superintendent's Licensure, 2010, Xavier University
Western High School Biology Teacher 1999-2004
Peebles High School - Assistant Principal 2004-2006
Western Local Director of School Improvement 2006-20007
Western High School Principal 2007-2014
Western Local Superintendent 2014- present
Students, Parents, Faculty, Alumni
I can’t put into words how thankful I am to get to come to work each day and serve the students and parents of this wonderful school district. As most of you know, I’ve lived here my entire life and have worked here for my entire career with the exception of two years that I spent at Peebles High School as an administrator. Having been born and raised right here, I have a thorough understanding of the dynamics of our school district. We are a truly unique school district and we face challenges that most other districts don’t. However, in spite of our challenges and the circumstances that are prevalent in our area, we have been and will continue to be a successful school district and will, in the near future, set the standard for success in rural communities.
I consider it a privilege to be able to come to work each day and see the future of our community before my very eyes. The kids we work with today will be the leaders of our community in a few short years. The impact we make on each one today will shape our school and community in the future. What we do with them in the days, months, and years we have them along with the influences of family and friends will play a huge part in determining the kind of adults they’ll be how and ultimately the future of our community.
Students – allow us the opportunity to help you grow into respectful, successful adults that contribute to the greater good of our school and community. Parents – give your students the support at home that they need to be successful at school and become involved in their education as active participants in the process. Community members – ask what you can do to make Western Local Schools the best district in southern Ohio. This is your school. Be involved. Be proud to be a part of this wonderful school district and be proud to be Western Indians. Have pride in your school. Do your best each day to make a positive impact on this little part of the world.
I have always believed that this school – every school – belongs to the community in which it is built. I believe that each member of a school district and each extended member of this district (parents, grandparents, alumni, etc.) has a vested interest in what goes on here each day. You have a right to know where your taxpayer dollars go and you have the responsibility to make sure that we’re doing our best each day to prepare your sons and daughters for the world they’ll soon face.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve our students and this community. Pray that I’ll make the right decisions and right choices each time I’m given the opportunity.
Brock D. Brewster