Paige Davis
Eljay Hicks
Kaitlyn Skidmore
Anitra Johnson
Morgan Whitley
Taylor Grooms
Jon Mucoglava
Kayla Jackson
Jon Montgomery
Allie Massie
Jordan Theobald
Abigale Knisley
Maddison Clay
Gavin MEyers
Alyssa Marhoover
Kaci Schylar
Emily Wilburn
Brooke Walker
Mackenzie Mowrey
Joanna Mcdaniel
Mattew Knisley
Brian Walker
Noah Whitt
Emma Sicott
Western Youth Leadership Association (YLA)
The Ohio-WV Youth Leadership Association believes that helping youth achieve their full potential is our primary mission. We seek to help youth develop leadership and citizenship skills for a lifelong commitment to service through character building programs for all that strengthen spirit, mind and body. Our two main programs each year are Model UN and Ohio Youth in Government.
Our Model United Nations program culminates in a three day experience at Mineral Wells, WV, offering windows on the world and international perspectives as teens represent nations trying to solve international issues.
Youth in Government Builds an Understanding of how state government works. Student Legislators propose legislation from life and volunteer experience to improve Ohio. Student Justices learn how the Ohio Supreme Court works by presenting a case.