If someone would've told me that we would be having OFFICIAL REAL LEGAL OHSAA SANCTIONED football practice in Latham, Ohio I would've told him that he was crazy. If someone would've told me that I would have just added a football game schedule to our website I would've never believed it. If someone would've said our sign out front would be informing the public of a football game THIS WEEK I would've thought we'd been hacked. HOWEVER, all of those things are happening. Maybe we are crazy for thinking that we can really have football. Maybe our kids and coaches and parents that have spent the past few months getting ready for this are crazy, too. BUT, we are playing football. AND we do have a junior high football game on Thursday night.
Come to Huntington on Thursday night if you want to part of Western history in the making. If you can't make it on Thursday then be sure to come to Latham on August 31st for our first ever home football game!!!!! Good luck to Coach Crabtree and all the boys. We're already proud of you!!