December 29, 2016
We will be honoring all retired staff members with special recognition for Rich Walls for serving 50 years on the Western Local School Board during the boys game on Friday, Januar...
December 29, 2016
The 2016 Western High School Athletic Hall of Fame induction will be held on January 21st. Individuals and teams from the 1990s will be honored. For information regarding induct...
December 29, 2016
Three Western High School graduates took the oaths of their respective offices yesterday. Judge Paul Price administered the oath to WHS graduates Blaine Beekman, Tony Montgomery,...

December 27, 2016
I want to take a minute to thank two wonderful people who have been the support behind Western's Powerpack Food Program. Because of Mark and Vergie Hunter, we are able to provide ...

November 14, 2016
Soldier's Survey This year as we celebrate Christmas, we would like to give to those who are giving to us, the soldiers sacrificing for our country. Fourth graders would like t...

October 27, 2016
Here's a list of important dates for our upperclassmen.
October 26, 2016
The 2016 Western High School sports banquet will be held on November 10th at 6:00pm in the Western High School cafeteria.
October 26, 2016
The newest addition to our Pride Hallway! Athletic HOF pics, trophies, student artwork, and now an ACT brag section!!! Congratulations for making it to the Pride Hallway!
October 25, 2016
Each morning these three smiling faces are waiting to greet elementary students at the back door!!! Today they appeared to be in their super hero gear!! We aren't sure if they a...
October 24, 2016
Western High School VoAg Classes Western High School and the Pike County Career Technology Center have partnered up to offer a new program to the junior high students a...

October 24, 2016
Graduation Requirements
October 24, 2016
Congratulations to Broc Jordan and Eli Montgomery for being named to the All-District 14 Golf First Team. Additionally, Brock was the POY for 2016 and Eli was the POY in 2015. B...
October 20, 2016
Congratulations to the WHS golf team and coach Tony Montgomery. SOC I champions for the first time in school history and district qualifiers.
October 20, 2016
Congratulations Broc Jordan on being named the SOC I golf Player of the Year and for finishing in the top 20 golfers in Ohio at the OHSAA State Golf Match.
October 3, 2016
What an exciting new year this has been for seniors! Time is going by so quickly and in just a few months the senior class will begin their transition into the workforce or colleg...
October 3, 2016
Western High School Attendance Policy for High School Credit According to the Ohio Department of Education, in order to receive credit (one Carnegie unit) in a course, a stud...
October 3, 2016
Attached is the letter that Mrs. Schuler sent home with all college-bound seniors regarding the FAFSA. This is very important information and is vital to the process by which stu...

October 3, 2016
On Monday, December 7th, there were 31 students from Western to visit Wright State University. Students had lunch at Wright State and were given a tour of the campus.
August 19, 2016
Western Local to start the 2016-2017 year with a new website and mobile application with Apptegy!