Golf Awards
Alex Jordan - Most Improved
Broc Jordan - SOC POY

Cross Country Awards
Ryan Woods
Tyler Woods
Josi Li

Sports picture forms

Congratulations to Bryce Brewster and CC Shanks on being selected as High School Heisman winners!!!

Pre K-3rd grade Parent Workshop and Literacy Night Thursday, Nov. 17th. 5:30-7:00

Steve Cooper was also inducted today into the John Kincaid Chapter of the National Honor Society as an honorary member and recognition of his service to our country and community.

US Navy and Vietnam veteran Steve Cooper receiving the American flag that was flown over the Western Veterans Memorial for the past year.

Senior parking spots!

A big thank you to 1955 WHS graduate Jim Sowards for making/donating this Indian head. Jim made the trip from Michigan to bring it down on Saturday.

A big thank you to 1955 WHS graduate Jim Sowards for making/donating this Indian head. Jim made the trip from Michigan to bring it down on Saturday.

Thanks to Pike County Rotary Club for the thesaurus and dictionary's for our 3rd & 5th grade students.

Board meeting Monday November 7th @ 7pm

Attention students in k-6th grade: The Great American Fundraiser orders, including money, are due tomorrow Nov. 7th.

Attention students in k-6th grade: The Great American Fundraiser orders, including money, are due tomorrow Nov. 7th.

There will be a winter coat drive Saturday, Nov. 5th from 12-3:00 in the high school cafeteria.

Archery in Schools Program at WHS!!!

Reminder: Elementary Fall PTO Carnival tonight, 6:00-8:00. Here's the 5th grade tailgating package being auctioned off! Food, games, prizes! Hope to see everyone there!

Reminder!!! There will be a Western Football informational meeting at 7pm in the HS gym tonight (11/4) to discuss our plans regarding football. Please make every effort to attend.

Attention parents of seniors!!!!
Reminder: FAFSA Workshop at the High School on Thursday, November 3 from 4-6 p.m. in room 301. Bring FAFSA ID and 2015 tax info. See Mrs. Schuler if have any questions.

Perfect Attendance 4th-6th Grade 1st 9 Weeks