Perfect Attendance Kindergarten-3rd Grade

Fire Prevention Coloring Contest Winners in Grades Preschool-3rd

Fire Prevention Coloring Contest Winners in Grades Preschool-3rd

I wanted to let everyone know the daily lunch menus are now on the website under "dining."

Spanish IV students

Spanish IV students

6th Grade Mighty Indians

5th Grade Mighty Indians

4th Grade Mighty Indians

3rd Grade Mighty Indians

3rd Grade Mighty Indians

2nd Grade Mighty Indians

1st Grade Mighty Indians

Kindergarten Mighty Indians

Good morning! Just a reminder that we are doing our P/T conferences a little different this year so no parents have to choose which teachers to see.
Nov. 1st K-3
Nov. 2nd 4-6
Nov. 3rd 7-12

Today was our final day of Red Ribbon Week and our pledge as a school to stand together against drug abuse. This pictures is of all of our high school students and staff forming a drug free ribbon outside in front of the high school. View from 300 feet above West LA!!

The Parade!!

The Parade!!

There will be an informational meeting on November 4th at 7pm to lay out the district plan for junior high football. There have been lots of questions regarding our plans so we want to make sure that everyone understands what is going on. This meeting is being held on the same night as the PTO Fall Carnival intentionally in order to convenience parents.

Western Elementary students on costume day!!!