4th grade students enjoying their game time after lunch.

4th grade students enjoying their game time after lunch.

Elementary parents should feel very blessed to have these three protecting your children from evil each morning!!

Western Elementary

Red Ribbon Week - Camo day

Important upcoming dates for seniors!!

The 2016 Western High School sports banquet will be held on November 10th at 6:00pm in the Western High School cafeteria. Please see attachment.

The newest addition to our Pride Hallway! Athletic HOF pics, trophies, student artwork, and now an ACT brag section!!! Congratulations for making it to the Pride Hallway!

No more words necessary. The capes say it all!!

Each morning these three smiling faces are waiting to greet elementary students at the back door!!! Today they appeared to be in their super hero gear!! We aren't sure if they are there to greet students or to bully them into giving up their breakfast!!

YLA Halloween dance Friday from 8-11 grades 7-12.

YLA Halloween dance Friday from 8-11 grades 7-12.

Red Ribbon Week activities.

Red Ribbon Week activities.

Red Ribbon Week activities.

National Day of prayer at WHS.

Favorite team day at WHS!

Congratulations to Bryce Brewster and CC Shanks - Wendy's High School Heisman School Winners!!!!

Welcome to our new website!!! We hope you enjoy the new look and content! We will do our very best to keep you as updated as you want to be about everything going on at Western.

Red Ribbon Week - JH Students on pajama day!!