April 2, 2020
Western High School Carrie Gast Principal, Western High School “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can become it.” ~William Arthu...
April 1, 2020
Classroom codes for health classes. 2nd period : gbq7zgb 5th period : ctdao4g 6th period : vt5lmd6
March 31, 2020
Spanish 1 and 2 students please make sure you have checked your google classroom page and have signed up for your duolingo class. This app will be used to determine grades fo...
March 26, 2020
Health and Physical Education students. Your assignment until we return to school will be, a 10 minute workout and 20-30 minutes of cardio outside. The workout can be found on ...

March 24, 2020
Families and students, I have posted a series of new assignments for all of my courses on Google Classroom which I believe is the utmost importance to document this ...

March 24, 2020
ELA I & II Students, I hope you are all doing well. Starting today, Tuesday, March 24th, I will be posting weekly assignments to Google Classroom. I will post at the beginning...
March 20, 2020
Applied Agriculture and Environmental Science classes. For those students who had previously qualified for the Believe In Ohio reward: Due to the closing of schools, the Believe...
March 20, 2020
Mrs Schuler has sent a packet out to all of her CCP Personal Finance students- it went out in the mail Tuesday!
March 19, 2020
Students and Parents: Each student should be getting a daily reminder through the Dualingo app of a practice lesson for Spanish review. If not, please let miss Niswender ...
March 19, 2020
From Mr. Hamilton: Students and Families, As we enter this time of some uncertainties it can be some routine that helps hold some bit of sanity together. For this reas...
March 17, 2020
High school & junior high students, here's some links from your teachers so you can keep up while on break! I will update this list as I get information in from teachers! I will a...
March 17, 2020
From Miss Niswender: To any of my student’s parents - Their review activities are posted on google classroom. Please feel free to contact me if they have questions or need hel...
March 17, 2020
Mrs. Schuler's Financial Literacy class- there are materials in the office in which you may pick up. Career Exploration Class- there are materials in the office in which you ma...
March 17, 2020
Western Local Schools “Extended Spring Break” Plan
I’m rarely at a loss for words – a fact that most of you can probably attest to! However, we are in a situation in whi...
March 16, 2020