July 31, 2019
Below is the application for Latchkey for
2019-20. This is our first attempt at this and I'm sure there will be
kinks to work out but we believe this program will benefit our w...

June 18, 2019

May 2, 2019
Students entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2019 will need to come to our Kindergarten Registration. Registrations will be held on May 20, May 21, and May 22 by appointment onl...
March 18, 2019
Western Local Schools Activity Calendar Click link to see what's going on at Western and to keep up-to-date on your students' activities.

February 28, 2019
Let's save lives together. Western High School National Honor Society is hosting a BLOOD DRIVE on Wednesday March 27, 2019 from 8:30 -2:00 in the h...

January 4, 2019
Congratulations to the WHS boys basketball team for a very close second place finish at the Waverly Holiday Classic. We're proud of you.
January 4, 2019
Mandatory Parent/Student Meeting for College Credit Plus for the 2019-2020 School Year is Wednesday January 30, 2019 at 6:00. A representative from Shawnee State University will b...

December 28, 2018
Congratulations to Coach Jordan and Coach Rittenhouse and the Lady Indians on a great Holiday Classic. The Lady Indians finished second to a very good Waverly team.

November 26, 2018
Western Junior High students are raising money to attend the Ohio Leadership Institute's Mondel United Nations Program in March. Items can be ordered from a member or online at w...
November 5, 2018
The Western Local Board of Education will meet in regular session on Monday, November 5 @ 7pm.

September 28, 2018
Click below to view ALL WHS athletic events for 2018-19 fall and winter seasons Western Local Schools Athletic Schedules